How The Economic Machine Works by 對沖基金業翹楚 Ray Dalio

對沖基金業翹楚達里奧(Ray Dalio)1975年成立的Bridgewater Pure Alpha Fund,至去年底共賺得450億美元(約3510億港元)利潤,重登史上最賺錢基金經理寶座,壓過近日因唱衰中國而新聞多多的「大鱷」索羅斯(George Soros)。

How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

This picture shows how the economic works. And you know where you are in the economic.

Short term debt cycle - the curve with many variation

Long term debt cycle - the big curve

Productivity Growth Line  - the straight line

 3 Rules of Thumb

 1. Don't have debt rise faster than income.
Explain: It is because debt will eventually crush you, and your income.

 2. Don't have income rise faster than productivity.
Explain: It is because you will eventually become uncompetitive.

3. Do all that you can to raise your productivity.


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